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Harders Leads Five Crown Series To Murphy & Chaffey Heading Into Tonight's Round 3; The Nsw

Queenslander Michael Harders and the Speedsport Racing Auto UpgradeQ14 team currently lead the inaugural national Five Crown Speedcar Series, after two rounds in Queensland and Victoria, and three rounds remaining from NSW's Paul Murphy in The Speedway Shop Hardwyer Motorsport SA6 and QLD's Anthony Chaffey, who this week continues with the Jaxxon Wrapz V6 ride from Victoria!

Encompassing the five state championships scheduled for this season, the Five Crown Series kicked off at IBRP Carina Speedway in Bundaberg, QLD in December; where Harders claimed the win from fellow Queenslander Scott Wilson in the Q42, NSW's Paul Murphy in the SA6, NSW's Matt Smitth Q7 and QLD's Gavin Wesble in the Q17!

Round two in February saw Victorian Domain Ramsay drive the absolute pants off his V71 machine to claim the Victorian Speedcar Championship at Premier Speedway, Warrnambool; ahead of NSW's Braydan Wilmington N89, Victoria's Paul Farrell V2 in a brilliant closing laps come-back, fellow Victorian Stewart Grant-Campbell V0 and South Australian Ben Hall in the S71.

Tonight, the series continues at Sydney's Valvoline Raceway; home track to one of the most tightly contested Speedcar clubs in country; the Speedcar Association of NSW! With Valvoline Raceway having hosted the recent Australian Speedcar Championship, tonight's entrants will no doubt be prepared for the demands of this awesome circuit, and are ready to put it all on the line to make it into the Speedcar history books!

FIVE CROWN SERIES POINTS - after 2 rounds: 1. Q14 Michael Harders 249 2. S6 Paul Murphy (NSW) 244 3. V6 Anthony Chaffey (QLD) 207 4. V71 Domain Ramsay 142 5. N89 Braydan Wilmington 131 6. Q42 Scott Wilson 130 7. V0 Stewart Grant-Campbell 126 8. S71 Ben Hall 124 9. Q7 Matt Smith (NSW) 123 10. Q71 Troy Ware 122 11. Q58 Rusty Whittaker 120 12. V2 Paul Farrell 120 13. Q67 Grant Draney 118 14. Q10 Ken Stanaway 117 15. Q18 Matt Hefford 117 16. Q19 Darren Vine 114 17. Q17 Gavin Wesble 114 18. V12 Justin McMinn 112 19. V59 Ashley Booker 112 20. Q69 Brett Thomas 111 21. S86 Nathan Squiers 110 22. V4 Stuart Ferguson 109 23. V25 Matt Papa 107 24. Q48 Brad Young 106 25. V39 Nick Parker 103 26. Q5 Rodney Harders 102 27. V57 Ian Jones 101 28. V18 Andy Pearce 94 29. V88 Jack Day 90 30. Q33 Lance Towns 33 31. V29 Jessica Moulden 31 32. V88 Craig Smith 21 33. Q44 Corey Stadart 10

Next weekend the Five Crown Series continues onto South Australia's Westline Speedway Whyalla for the 66th SA Speedcar Championship and round 4 of the series; with $2,500 on the nose and a minimum $9k prize pool for only 16 cars (which increases with every car!). Nominations can be made online at Round five is scheduled for April 16th at Western Australia's Quit Bunbury Speedway.

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