NOMINATE TODAY to avoid late nom fees for the 79th Australian Speedcar Championship! Nominations received after Sunday 16th of February 2020 will incur a late fee of $100. Additionally for any noms received after 5pm (VIC) Monday 24th Feb 2020, rule 7.7.3 will also be invoked ('Any car or driver not nominated by 5.00pm, Monday prior to the Championships will start the first two rounds of heats ROF').
NOMINATE ENTIRELY ONLINE HERE: https://www.speedcarsaustralia.com/nominate
NEED HELP? For assistance completing the online nomination form please contact Speedcars Australia Secretary Alison Dwyer via SpeedcarsAUS@gmail.com or 0419 352 231.
For Calcutta - Australian Speedcar Championship information or info for the Championship Facebook page and event, please refer enquiries to the host club, the Victorian Speedcar Drivers Association Inc.
Don't forget, interstaters competing the week prior at the 75th Victorian Speedcar Championship are also eligible for tow money thanks to Speedway Australia & Speedcars Australia INC.