Speedway Australia would like to utilise the current downtime to prepare the sport for its eventual return, as we’ll face unprecedented challenges for the foreseeable future.
We can gauge the size and shape of the industry from our statistics, but to ensure we continue to develop as an organisation we need to know what stakeholders need from us in terms of services and resources.
Three years ago we undertook our first stakeholder survey to ascertain the state of play for both our organisation and divisional governing bodies. And last year we surveyed to establish the size of the speedway industry in Sydney, as part of the push to ensure a replacement venue would be found.
Both of these surveys provided excellent feedback that has been extremely beneficial for the sport, and we want to make further progress again here.
The aim of this survey is threefold:- 1) To assess the wants and needs of speedway stakeholders 2) To identify areas of improvement and expansion for all speedway organisations 3) To chart progress against established sporting benchmarks
In the long run, speedway needs to ensure those outside of the industry are fully aware of both our economic clout and the positive contribution we make to Australian society. Gathering accurate information about our sport is one way to achieve this, so thank you in advance for your feedback and assistance.
We’ve been able to put forward a bit of a carrot to entice people to complete the survey, in the shape of complimentary Speedway Australia licences and World Series Sprintcars merchandise. Speedway Sedans Australia have also generously donated a complimentary entry into one of next season’s national titles, for one of their competitors who assists with the survey.
You can complete the survey here, at any time over the next two weeks:- https://forms.gle/WLZN81sHjeA8ch3j7